abundant abundance; Algonquin; attractions; background backdrop; beautiful beauty; bio-diversity diverse; biology; birches; calming; Canada; Canadian; carotenoids; climax; colourful colorful; colours colors; complex complexity; deciduous; destinations; digital; distance distant; dramatic; ecology; ecosystems; edges boundary boundaries; fall autumn; flora plants; foliage; forests; fragile fragility; geography; habitats; hardwoods; harmony; landscapes scene scenic scenery; lush; maples; Muskoka; natural environment; nature; no one; North America; old ancient; Ontario; orange; peaceful serene; placid soothing; plant community communities; plant pigments; pristine; protected area; Provincial Park; quiet; red; roadside; seasons seasonal; site setting; solitude; stable stability; still; surrounding environment; temperate deciduous; terrain countryside; tranquility; trees; uninhabited; vast; view; wilderness, Algonquin Prov Park, Ontario, Canada
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